Conditions Commonly Treated with Acupuncture
Acupuncture is known to help treat a myriad of conditions. See categories with symptoms listed below.
If your condition is not listed, please inquire!
Chronic & Acute Pain
Low, mid and upper back, sciatica, knee, hip, neck, shoulder (frozen shoulder, rotator cuff syndrome), arthritis, tendonitis, golfers elbow/tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, repetitive movement strain, gout, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, shingles & post herpetic neuralgia, facial pain, TMJ, neuralgias, migraines and headaches of all types (all pain: muscular, joint, myofascial, neurogenic).
Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty turning off one’s mind before bed, waking up numerous times during the night, night sweating/heat, restlessness of mind and/or body, waking up not rested.
Hot flashes, night sweating, insomnia, low libido, dryness, palpitations.
PMS (breast distention &/or swelling, irritability/crying, emotional lability related to time-of-the-month, cramping 2-14 days before starting, spotting), painful periods, no periods, heavy periods, scant periods, unusual bleeding, bleeding @mid cycle, infertilty, cysts, fibroids, pain from endometrisis, breast pain, pelvic floor pain, genital pain, discharges, stress incontinence. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and pregnancy discomfort.
Stress-induced or emotional disorders:
Anxiety, depression, nervousness, unusual or inappropriate anger, palpitations, cloudy thinking, poor memory, easily startled, post traumatic stress disorder, jaw clenching, feeling continually revved up, inability to relax.
Belching, nausea, vomiting, heartburn/acid reflux, gnawing feeling in the stomach, unusual hunger: either too hungry or not hungry, feeling of food getting stuck, constipation, diarrhea, loose stools, urgency, alternating constipation and diarrhea, hemorrhoids, colitis, IBS, diverticulitis, unusual gas, stomach pain, bloating/abdominal distention.
Respiratory Illnesses:
Susceptibility to frequent illness, low immune system, post-covid-19 fatigue and headache, post-nasal drip, asthma, bronchitis, allergy symptoms, chest heaviness, dry throat, sore throat, lump/phlegm in the throat, chronic sinusitis, acute and chronic sinus infections, ear blockages.
Post auto accident injury recovery, aid to surgical recovery, aid to injury from falls and other traumas.
Tiredness/fatigue/low energy from any cause, unusual sweating, urination problems (frequency, urgency, pain, burning), hypertension, heart racing, dizziness, balance problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, acne, Lyme Disease, coronary artery disease, wound care, chronic non-healing ulcers, burns, bell's palsy, stroke, alopecia areata, leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, chemotherapy/radiation support, smoking cessation, caffeine (and other) addictions.
General Health & Wellness Maintenance done monthly or seasonally.